Monday, July 25, 2011


Southern Sudanese tradition of problems solution by an escape in to the near-by, or far away bushes and forests, particularly on certain problems, or issues that may seem more complex, sophisticated and controversial than they may actually have been, made a turn around, when Southern Sudan politicians and the military made an escape to the cities and towns of many countries, particularly in Europe and in the USA for the Independence that at first gained the support of many Western countries, but later has been rejected by the same people who first supported them to the extend that fighter jets from both the Western countries and the USA have been deployed to bombard targets within the officially recognized 139th country of the world the Southern Sudan. The internal domestic dispute and military skirmishes between the various political groups and the military factions have been declining, particularly on the disturbing problem that certain groups and tribes should be made subordinate to the Western countries oriented groups regardless of their educational achievement and well to do financial and economic back ground.

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