Monday, July 25, 2011


Impulse that initiates aggression, or rather the outrageous behavior known of certain humans, whether voluntarily, or by reflex action, particularly the process involved in the co-ordination of the impulse that helps humans feel and perceive differently each and every stimuli, or impulse remains beyond the scope of human understanding, eventhough humans have generally succeeded in the differentiation of different feeling with the perception of every impulse intepreted by the sense organs, the nervous system, the internal, or the external organs and the muscles. However, the scientists effort in the sought for the solution of uniform behavior at certain work places as basic requirement to fulfill certain task, specially in the military and in the sophisticated and complex High Tecnology branches may never be accomplished, due to the world wide criticism and political controversy of such research study and projects referred to as a buse of human's natural behavior by science and the scientists invoved in the project that may not only transform human behavior, but actually change humans to machines like humans, or Robots that neither feels, nor perceive, instead they scan the surrounding, intepret the signals and respond to the changes in the environment.

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