Thursday, December 20, 2018


    The White House the State Department and the USA Defense Department the Pentagon conferred over the order of USA President Donald Trump for rapid withdrawal of USA Troops from Syria with no conclusive joined statement, or compromise that supported, or denounced the President's order for Troops withdrawal which has been generally described in the mentioned departments and by USA Allies in the war against terrorism, besides the domestic and International media as the highlighted and rather drastic order of withdrawal of the President which has surprised and alarmed the USA Allies in the war against terrorism of which a number of Arab World and Islamic countries that have been involved in the war against terrorism have not been the exceptional countries that supported the surprise withdrawal of USA Troops from Syria which unfortunately has caused extended controversy in both the Senate and in the House of Representatives in the last three days of rapid criticism of the President's order for Troops withdrawal from Syria by Senators and members of the USA Congress. However, secret and behind doors extra-ordinary meetings have been held in the various mentioned Departments, particularly in the Pentagon for the required strategic approach to the USA President order of Troops withdrawal in the attempt to prevent further divide at both the domestic and International levels among USA legislators, or the High rank military personnel and the USA Allies in the war against terrorism repectively. Three months would be required to conclude the President's order for Troops withdrawal from Syria whose numbers on the ground in the air and at Sea have been specified as two thousand Troops, or more if redeployment of the Troops for reinforcement purposes, particularly from Northern Iraq and Turkey were recounted for further withdrawal from the areas of conflicts in the Arab World, or the Middle Eastern countries to conclude USA Troops decisive, or partial victory in the mentioned areas of conflicts, specially in the ISIS partly destroyed strongholds, or areas in Hajin Raqqa and East of Euphrates river. The government of Israel headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed concern about USA President order of Troops withdrawal from Syria, besides threats that continue to emerge from the mentioned areas of conflicts and from farther North East in the Persian Gulf and Iran, while the major Arab World countries of Saudi Arabia Iran United Arab Emirates Qatar Iraq and Kuwait have remained silent in the last three days of intensive criticism of the USA President order of withdrawal of USA Troops from Syria.

     Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
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Name: Professor Godfrey Ohia.

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