Tuesday, August 21, 2018


        Greece projected brighter economic prospects for economic growth more financial gains and financial freedom remains feasible, despite the uncertainty expressed about the future of Greece projected financial freedom, at  the end of the first phase of EU financial rescue packages allocation that has ended this week, after over eight years of both financial and political struggle that has caused EU over two hundred and eighty nine billion euros in financial packages allocation for Greece and EU member countries that had been hit hard by the European Union Austerity Measures and various domestic finance rescue packages intended to upgrade the  credit line of Greece and other EU countries credit line to the required standard as specified by the major finance Institutions as the International Monetary Fund (IMF)and the European Central Bank (ECB). However, Greece firmness with regard to political and financial struggle of the last eight years to accomplish it's political and financial objectives  has remained strong and remarkably acknowledged by EU and the mentioned financial Institutions, despite shortages in Athens finance stand and capability to meet the specified credit line and the required debt payment deadline of the last eight years, despite continued struggle to overcome both credit line requirements and political stabilities, specially the few that may have been dictated, or imposed by the major finance Institutions and EU Finance Ministers for Greece to qualify for EU unified finance policy and for Greece to protect the unified EU currency value the Euro from devaluation against the strongest domestic currencies of the EU, or none EU Eurozone countries and the International foreign currencies as the USA dollar the English sterling the Canadian dollar the Japanese yen the Chinese yuan and various other countries that have continued to claim dominance and higher position for replacement of the World's reserve currency the USA that has continued to slipped towards the edge of financial potency for a much bigger tumble of its dominancy, particularly during the financial collapse and the economic downtrend that have been accompanied by the aftermath consequences in currency devaluation attributed to declining exports volume which too have been known as the result of continued outsourcing of USA domestic and foreign companies operating in EU and other foreign countries, besides claims of declining requirement for higher efficiency of USA companies and employees at both the domestic and foreign leveks, when compared to other equally competend, or the rising stars of the major foreign companies financial Institutions, or banks in the EU the Asian and other foreign countries, particularly in Russia the EU Canada Australia China Japan the Middle Eastern the Arab World and few African countries.

            Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : paypal.me/OHIAGODFREY
E-mail : ohiaprofessorgodfrey92@gmail.Com
Telephone : +1 678-437-0587
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia.

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