Friday, August 31, 2018


     Eurozone Defense Ministers convened in the Austrian capital city Vienna for discussion of Eurozone  Naval Forces deployment in the Mediterranean Sea named Sophia along side the Humanitarian and Doctors without borders ships in Mediterranean Sea, after few humanitarian Organitions, particularly the Organization of Doctors with out borders announced their intention for withdrawal from the mission named Sophia for reasons that have unfortunately not been specified in the media,besides financial burden on the mission which foreign investors government and none governmental donors have not been fully involved in the last two and half years of deployment and reinforcement of the joined Eurozone Naval Forces in the Mediterranean Sea.  Various media sources of both the domestic and International media have highlighted the covention of Eurozone Defense Minister being currently held in Vienna as significant, despite Germany's Defense Minister Ursula Von Der Leyen concern about rising concern for further deployment and reinforcement of Eurozone joined Naval Forces in the Mediterranean Sea and Mediterranean coastal regions of both Continents of Europe and Africa. However, no military skirmishes has been reported in the Mediterranean Sea and along the Mediterranean coastal regions of the two Continents of Europe and Africa since deployment of the Naval Forces and their reinforcement in the last two and half years, despite the Presence of the major countries ships in the Mediterranean Sea. The mission Sophia has been generally rated as a success and partly as disputed the rescue effort so far carried out in the Mediterranean Sea and Mediterranean coastal regions. Hundreds of thousands of refugees asylum seekers and illegal immigrants have been frequently rescued and temporarily rehabilitated in  many Eurozone countries for future recognition and integration, or rejection and deportation, or  scheduled for voluntary return to their home countries in the last two and half years of the mission Sophia. Surveillance of Mediterranean Sea and the Mediterranean coastal regions against ilkegal border and Sea crossing has been disputed and may require further scrutiny snd upgrade of the mission by further launch of satellites and high technology surveillance and sophisticated military technology in the Space the Mediterranean Sea and the Mediterranean coastal regions of both Europe and African Continent. 

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