Wednesday, March 7, 2018


   Citizens and members of various social Organization expressed their protest against the rise of poverty in various Communities in Germany and perhaps the Eurozone countries by demonstration earlier in the week to express their concern about the government's current policy on the fight against the rise of poverty in various Communities by provision of basic necessities and by educating, or allocation of financial assistance for those that may have been threatened by social insecurity, due to the absence of either the mentioned basic necessities as food drinks medicines  shelter, or cash to alleviate their temporary, or permanent worsening condition, specially of the many people in Communities of the major and wealthier Eurozone countries as Germany France Britain Belgium and other EU countries in which the people have been generally  described as those that have tumbled off the cliff of basic social security provision and requires immediate humanitarian assistance to survive,  which unfortunately have not been provided in many of the mentioned countries, despite their countries current prosperity  financial freedom and the projected, or promised better economic prospects for the country and for all the citizens at home and the Eurozone countries. Other reason for the protest has been mentioned as exclusion of refugees and asylum seekers and their families, due to the rise of poverty line among the domestic citizens of various Communities of whom many have been generally described as the most in need of both the basic and financial assistance in Germany and other Eurozone countries to enable the adequate lifestyle and financial freedom required of every Eurozone citizen as specified in the EU unified finance policy for the upgrade of the credit line of EU member countries and for the upgrade of standard of living of Eurozone citizens for more financial freedom and the freedom of Movement of every European citizen as signified by Maastricht Treaty for the Movement of Eurozone citizens from one country to another country within the EU and many other parts in this World. However, government's representatives and few of the social and Humanitarian Organizations have bitterly protested about the citizens protest by demonstration based on claims  of social segregation and racial difference bias being directed by governments social security, Humanitarian, or church Institutions, specially against the new arrivals as the Immigrants refugees and asylum seekers and further emphasized on the governments' and Organization not to continuously baby feed the citizens, but to assist them both financially and with basic necessities at difficult times which unfortunate!my seemed to have frequently happened to many citizens, due to the governments accountability methods with the demand for higher efficiency required of every Eurozone citizen.

       Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
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