Friday, November 25, 2016


Germany's Highest Court located in the city of Karlsruhe may once again adjourned its debate on the required final decision on the two major controversial security and political issues that have been repeatedly postponed until the month of January in the Year two thousand and seventeen, despite the requirement for Parliamentary debates and for elevated security measures in constant surveillance and random search of suspected persons of the mentioned groups that entailed Germany's Right Wing, or the outlawed Neo-Nazi reaction to current national political and security issues on one hand and on the other the rise of Islamic Terrorists Groups Movements in the Eurozone Countries , particularly in Belgium Germany France and Denmark that both have caused domestic and global security concern in the European Union Countries and in many countries around the World as in the United States of America Russia the European Union Countries and Britain. Besides, the Middle Eastern Countries the Arab World and North African Countries in which governments attempts to control the rise of terrorism and Islamic Movements has been generally described as repeated failed attempts of the governments, despite the recent generalized approach to the global fight against terrorism and the varied Islamic Militants rising Movements in the various countries and Continents of the World which unfortunately has resulted in wars tougher security and immigration process measures partial political decision making  and unsegregated general fight against all types of Islamists Groups which included the exceptionally few and kind Muslims who would like to educate people and preach Islam to the people of the World in addition to the educators of Islam and the Humanitarian Groups of the Red Crescent who would like to assist people in time of difficulties and translate Islamic religion teachings in the various languages of the people of this World, specially in the USA Russia  and the European Union Countries languages. Besides, the Asian the Middle Eastern the Arab World and African Countries languages that have remained far away destinations of interest for the varied groups of religions that included Christian and Islam in their attempts to educate and harmonized religious teaching of Islam in the mentioned countries and Continents. However Germany's Highest Court may soon decide on the controversial political security and religious issues for either the ban, or support of the various Right Wing, or Islamists and radicle groups with the ban on their rights to political participation, contribution in the decision making process, or security and defense of the country which many media sources and Institutions have referred to as violation of both the Constitutional and Civil, or Human Rights of the various radicle groups , or Islamists that have been recognized as German, or Eurozone Countries citizens. Another current difficult policy making decision in Western Europe has been the requirement for the erection of the largest prison for Eurozone Islamists similar to the USA Guantanamo Bay prison that has been scheduled for closer in the near future.

                                              Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.

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