Thursday, September 28, 2017


    Coalition government formation and cabinet reshuffle discussion has begun in the German Parliament the Bundestag, after the relative overwhelming victory of the Christian major political parties the Social Democratic Political Parties and the other political parties that entailed the Opposition Political Parties in the next government of Democratic Republic of Germany with Chancellor Angela Merkel as the favorite reelected Chancellor candidate for office in this Year's election and for the fourth term in office as the Chancellor of Democratic Republic of Germany. The former Finance Minister of Germany Wolfgang Schauble has been nominated for the Presidency of German Parliament during the first initial debate for coalition government formation cabinet reshuffle in the Democratic Republic of Germany. Compromise has been required among the major and minor political parties in the Democratic Republic of Germany for the formation of the new coalition government along with cabinets members approval for discussion of significant issues and problems that may be faced by the newly elected cabinet government members and members of the political parties in Germany. The major and minor political parties and participants of the current Parliamentary discussion for formation of the new government entailed the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) the Christian Social Union Political Party (CSU) the Social Democratic Political Party (SPD) the Alternative for Deutschland Political Party (AFD) the Green Party (GP) the Free Democratic Political Party (FDP) and other political parties as the National Political Party of Germany (NDP) which unfortunately has not obtained the required Parliamentary seats for the coalition government formation, or to represent Germsny' major political parties for the next four Years. Projections made on the main and optional choices for government formation and cabinet members selection with the Opposition Political Parties cabinet formation entailed various political parties that comprised of the major and minor political parties as the Christian Democratic Union Political Party with the Christian Social Union Po!itical Party (CSU) the Social Democratic Political Party (SPD) and the Alternative For Deutschland Political Party (AFD) with another political Party as the Free Democratic Political Party (FDP) which has obtained the required Parliamentary seats in the German Parliament that qualified the FDP for formation of coalition government with major Christian Political Parties. The proposed Opposition Political Parties cabinet formation entailed the Green Party (GP) with the Linke, or the Left Wing Political Party and other political parties as the Federal Democratic Political Party, or the National Democratic Political Party which has survived the government's request, or rather the demand for its ban from political participation in the Democratic Republic of Germany, after Germany's Highest Court located in Karlsruhe concluded its required final decision and ruling on the government's controversial demand for the ban of one of its political parties withNeo-Nazi suspects from political participation in the Democratic Republic of Germany as unconstitutional and violates both political parties and citizens Constitutional and Civil Rights in the Democratic Republic of Germany.

        Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
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