Saturday, December 26, 2015


     United Nations Security Council mandate for immediate implementation of ceasefire and peace in Syria on the first week of the year two thousand and sixteen (2016), which has been expected to stop bloodshed too in Syria and Northern Iraq Region has unfortunately not specify the United Nations Security Council Resolution that has been passed by the United Nations Security Council member countries as the United Nations Security Council Alternative Resolution that authorizes the use of military force as solution to the resolution of the difficult and extended conflicts that inflicted much damage in human lives that have been lost and property damage, due to repeated objection of the same, or similar United Nations Resolution that clearly authorizes the use of military force as an alternative peace solution to specific difficult and extended armed conflicts as in the current civil wars and the Islamic Militants extended and difficult warfare in terrorism and Rebel Forces resistance conflicts, particularly in the previous debates of the United Nations Security Council Members in which few, but major United Nations Security Council Members had repeatedly objected to the use of force by the implementation of the specific Resolution for immediate peace in Syria and Northern Iraq Region in the New Year, due to the unpredictable consequences that became obvious early this week immediately after the announcement of the United Nations mandate for peace in Syria and possibly the Northern Iraq Region by reinforcement of the domestic Syrian Forces and the foreign forces that comprised of the USA, Russia and Turkey air to surface Forces with additional ammunition and ground Troops, or boots on the ground in the Northern Region of Syria that has immediately resulted in the massacre of innocent civilian citizens in the Northern Region of Syria, particularly by the Russian Troops on the ground and in the air. These incident of massacre with the occupation of Syrian Northern Region by the USA Ground Forces, specially after their entry and occupation of the town of Ramadi that has been documented and immediately resulted in fierce criticism by the International Organization for amnesty called Amnesty International because of the extend of violence inflicted by the major countries forces against innocent civilian citizens, particularly by the forces of the major countries that had repeatedly objected the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution that authorizes the use of a joined military force against Syria, but suddenly changed and became the first documented mass murder forces of the same civilian citizens they had been obligated to protect and to ensure that peace and security prevails in their regions, or countries of Syria and Northern Iraq Region. However, the same United Nations Resolution for peace in Syria that did not specify the use of military force as the Alternative Resolution has resulted in the occupation of Syrian Northern Region by Syrian Forces of President Basar Assad with the assistance of the foreign forces from the USA, Russia and Turkey as in the Occupation of the town of Ramadi. The Resolution has too, specified the relinquishment of power by President Basar Assad as it has been previously demanded by Syrian civilian citizens, the Rebel Forces of Syria and by the Islamic Militants Resistance and Terrorists Groups called ISIS that have denounced the occupation of Ramadi by the Syrian Forces loyal to President Assad with the assistance of the foreign forces from the USA, Russia and Turkey.

                                          Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia
Paypal account details : Name Professor Godfrey Ohia
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