Monday, June 11, 2018


     G7 Summit countries leaders convened at La Malbaie Charlievoix Quebec Canada since yesterday for the discussion of wide range global issues that required both immediate and long term global solutions to the World's emerging challenges, despite the current differences among the nations on the required solution to the emerging trade dispute between the USA and European Union countries. Nine of the World's economically dominant countries and faster emerging economies leaders , specially from recession, due to less efficiency and higher economic production capacity, besides other issues as the currency value and better financial markets performance entailed the President of the United States of America Donald Trump The European Commission President Jean Claude the Prime Minister of the host country Justin Trudeau Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May the Chancellor of Democratic Republic of Germany Angela Merkel France President Emmanuel Macron Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Italian Prime Minister Guiseppe Conte the President of the European Council Donald Tusk and high rank officials of the World's and European finance Institutions as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Central Bank (ECB), besides the domestic and International Journalists from various parts of the World that have attended the G7 Summit this year, specifically from the month of June the eighth to June the twelfth in the year two thousand and eighteen. Few of the issues that have been discussed during the Summit included the mentioned solution to the trade dispute, due to EU countries subjection to increased custom fees by the USA, mainly on Steel and Aluminium minerals resources with the imported and exported products which has unfortunately remained disputed, due to USA President Donald Trump  insistance on fair trade deal with EU and the World's countries and trading partners with the USA on the specified minerals and the ready made, or the manufactured products from Steel and Aluminium. Global warming and Environmental Protection issues in addition to gender equality and the political condition in Venezuela along with claims of unfair election results have been highlighted during the G7 Summit held in Toronto Quebec Canada. Other issues such as poverty and education for the inhabitants of the various countries of this World , specially of developed and the developing has been generally described as significant for the elimination of illiteracy poverty and difficulty at the global scale. Energy issues and it's various sources remained important topics of discussion that may require both immediate and long term solutions. However, the USA President Donald Trump would not attend the conclusion of the G7 Economic Summit held in Toronto Quebec Canada for this year the year two thousand and eighteen, due to the President's scheduled visit to Singapore for talks with North Korean President Kim Jung Un on Denulearization of North Korean nuclear sites along with the arsenals of weapons of mass destruction as the atomic bomb, or the Hydrogen Bomb and the Long Range Missiles that have been armed with nuclear war heads to target targets in the far away places beyond the Continent.

                 Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.

Bank :
E-mail : ohiaprofessorgodfrey92@gmail.Com
Telephone : +1 678-437-0587
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia.

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