Tuesday, September 26, 2017


    Germany's election results have been marked with success and by the extended celebration of the Christian Political Parties the Social Democratic Political Party and the Opposition Political Parties  election victory that remains the highlighted news coverage on both the domestic and International media sources, despite the decline in the election results of the major political parties with the requirement for minor correction on the percentage votes obtained by the mentioned political parties, due to frantic publication of the election's initial results, before the final count of the percentage votes with the Parliamentary seats obtained by each of the government political parties with the Opposition Political Parties that have claimed uncertainty about the ambition for formation of the next coalition government with the Christian major ruling political parties said have been bursted, due to the election results of the major political parties which have substantially declined by percentage votes obtained and the Parliamentary seats procured by the major political parties and the Opposition Political Parties that entailed the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) which obtained thirty three percent (33%), instead of the thirty three point two percent (33.2%) published earlier with the equivalent Parliamentary seats of two hundred and fourth six (246), Instead of the two hundred and twenty Parliamentary seats reported and published earlier in the late Afternoon of Sunday, September 24th in the Year two thousand and seventeen. The Social Democratic Political Party (SPD) twenty percent percentage votes' instead of the twenty four percent (24%) published earlier and before the final count of Germany's election for this Year. An overall decline in percentage votes and Parliamentary seats procured by the major political parties of Germany ranged between minus eight point five percent (8.5%) to minus five percent, when compared to the previous election results, except for the results of the A!tentative For Deutschland Political Party (AFD) and the Free Democratic Political Party (FDP) which their results both fluctuated upwards in this Year's election in Germany by six percent and four point five percent respectively with the equivalent Parliamentary seats of ninety four (94) for the AFD Political Party, instead of the seventy four published earlier before the final count down of Germany's election for this Year and eighty Parliamentary seats for the FDP, instead of the sixth nine published earlier. The Linke, or the left wing political party of Germany fk ally obtained sixty nine votes, instead of the fifty seven published earlier in the late Afternoon of September 24th in the Year two thousand and seventeen . the Green Party obtained sixty one Parliamentary seats. Celebration? of the election results with relatively overwhelming victory of the Christian Democratic Political Party (CDU) and the Christian Social Union Political Party (CDU) prevailed in the last fourty eight hours since the announcement of both the initial with the final election results in the Democratic Republic of Germany, despite the Social Democratic Political Party hesitant of the required formation of a new coalition go ernment with the major Christian Political Parties in the Parliament of six hundred and fifty seats, instead of the seven hundred and three seats published earlier. However, much work would be required of all the political parties that comprised of the major the minor and Opposition Political Parties of the Democratic Republic of Germany to attain the required balance in the Parliament for policy making and decision making process in the Parliament of such magnitude with regard to the policies that should be implemented  and enacted to legislations after the Parliamentary debates that usually ends with successful conclusion of the debates for policy recommended and supported by the Parliament for implementation, or enforcement in Germany's various States that entailed the free State of Bayern Munchen. The Christian Democratic Political Party (CDU) which has emerged victorious in this Year's election for the reelection of its favorite Chancellor candidate Chancellor Angela Merkel for the fourth term in office as the Chancellor of Democratic Republic of Germany in this election which may determine the pick-up of successful political parties that haveained the required Parliamentary seats in this Year's election and qualified them for possible coalition formation with the ruling Christian Political Parties of Democratic Republic of Germany.

          Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia
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