Saturday, September 30, 2017
USA President intention to further bulge the wallets of the wealthiest American citizens and drain the wallets of the struggling upper second class with the wallets of the hard working ordinary citizens in the United States of America by his unilateral tax policy to conclude the implementation of his mandates in the third business quarter since he transitioned to power as the elected President of the United States of America earlier this Year has outraged the Democrats, despite USA President Donald Trump good intention for America and the Americans by Making America Great Again as he repeatedly made promises to fellow Americans before during and after his election victory earlier this Year. However, criticism of the President's economic financial and monetary policy with emphasis on the President's rather drastic measures on the specified fields and by cancellation of the major trade agreements to control export and import volumes to reduce recession and eliminate USA current dwindling export volume performance, when compared to the World's major competitive and equally emerging economies with upgraded credit line and unified finance policy for the required better economic prospects and more financial freedom for all the citizens of various classes, which certainly has not segregated USA citizens based on class difference racial religious social status and educational background, but rather on the efficiency of each and every citizens to procure and sustain both the basic and luxurious income for living and better lifestyle with less regard to individual's educational racial religious and social status background. Besides the level of individual citizen activeness in one, or various Communities and Society, whether they may be active for the local citizens with basic, or ordinary living standard, or for those with upgraded standards of living as the struggling upper second class citizens and the brilliant and wealthiest first class citizens of the United States of America that have mostly depended on themselves and only themselves with their families as required by the USA code for self sufficiency liberty and equality for all the USA citizens that have been subjected to fair and tougher accountability measures of the systems of government. Citizens in the USA, when compared to other countries of this World would continue to enjoy the allocated benefits for encouragement self sufficiency and independency that exceeded benefits allocated else where. The allocated benefits in business opportunities employment availability health care services provision social security and other forms of insurance for the relatively low income earners with less prospect for the allocated business opportunities and luxurious lifestyle of the upper second class citizens with few of the higher intellect and wealthiest upper class citizens, specially those higher income earners that have been involved in business activities of the free market economy and superior financial markets performance to keep the required cash flow for themselves and the economy in the USA the European Union countries in this World in which free market economy financial markets business and other businesses have been introduced and capitalized as required in the various countries of the World as in the USA Russia China Japan Canada Australia with the Middle Eastern, or Israel the Arab World and African countries for which the USA has continued to exercise its capitalistic influence by fair, or tougher monetary policy economic dominance and financial freedom which has begun to threaten capitalism in the USA the European Union and countries mentioned with varied projections that have been made on when fair and rescuing monitory financial economic and social policy would be introduced in the mentioned major countries of the World in the attempts to rescue, or prevent the collapse of capitalism with, or without the mentioned strengthening factors of capitalism as the trade agreements free markets economy financial markets better performance with the fair monetary policy upgraded finance policy and increased trade volumes in export and imports from and in to USA.
Written by Professor Godfrey
Bank : Green Dot Bank
Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321
Name Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Coalition government formation and cabinet reshuffle discussion has begun in the German Parliament the Bundestag, after the relative overwhelming victory of the Christian major political parties the Social Democratic Political Parties and the other political parties that entailed the Opposition Political Parties in the next government of Democratic Republic of Germany with Chancellor Angela Merkel as the favorite reelected Chancellor candidate for office in this Year's election and for the fourth term in office as the Chancellor of Democratic Republic of Germany. The former Finance Minister of Germany Wolfgang Schauble has been nominated for the Presidency of German Parliament during the first initial debate for coalition government formation cabinet reshuffle in the Democratic Republic of Germany. Compromise has been required among the major and minor political parties in the Democratic Republic of Germany for the formation of the new coalition government along with cabinets members approval for discussion of significant issues and problems that may be faced by the newly elected cabinet government members and members of the political parties in Germany. The major and minor political parties and participants of the current Parliamentary discussion for formation of the new government entailed the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) the Christian Social Union Political Party (CSU) the Social Democratic Political Party (SPD) the Alternative for Deutschland Political Party (AFD) the Green Party (GP) the Free Democratic Political Party (FDP) and other political parties as the National Political Party of Germany (NDP) which unfortunately has not obtained the required Parliamentary seats for the coalition government formation, or to represent Germsny' major political parties for the next four Years. Projections made on the main and optional choices for government formation and cabinet members selection with the Opposition Political Parties cabinet formation entailed various political parties that comprised of the major and minor political parties as the Christian Democratic Union Political Party with the Christian Social Union Po!itical Party (CSU) the Social Democratic Political Party (SPD) and the Alternative For Deutschland Political Party (AFD) with another political Party as the Free Democratic Political Party (FDP) which has obtained the required Parliamentary seats in the German Parliament that qualified the FDP for formation of coalition government with major Christian Political Parties. The proposed Opposition Political Parties cabinet formation entailed the Green Party (GP) with the Linke, or the Left Wing Political Party and other political parties as the Federal Democratic Political Party, or the National Democratic Political Party which has survived the government's request, or rather the demand for its ban from political participation in the Democratic Republic of Germany, after Germany's Highest Court located in Karlsruhe concluded its required final decision and ruling on the government's controversial demand for the ban of one of its political parties withNeo-Nazi suspects from political participation in the Democratic Republic of Germany as unconstitutional and violates both political parties and citizens Constitutional and Civil Rights in the Democratic Republic of Germany.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank
Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account : Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Further request for USA President extended controversial travel ban that suffered objection in the USA Senate the House of Representative the regional courts and the USA High Courts, despite its enforcement at USA various ports on the President insistence has remained at a limbo. Nonetheless two additional Arab World countries have been added on the travel ban list, while another Arab World country of African and Arab origin has been removed from the travel ban list that has been often referred to in the domestic and International media as the ban list of USA President Donald Trump who has been regarded as determine to implement the travel ban, or enforce it, enlarge it, or remove it within the unlimited authority of the President of the United States of America and as part of one of his Presidential election mandates which he promised to fellow Americans before during and after his election victory as the fourty fifth President of the United States of America. Two of the Arab World countries that have been listed on the travel ban list of the United States of America entailed the United Arab Emirates with its capital city Abu Dhabi and Yemen with with its capital city Aden, while the countries that have been removed from the travel ban list for reasons which unfortunately have not been specified entailed the Democratic Republic of North of Sudan and the Democratic Republic of South of Sudan. USA domestic and International media sources have speculated on the cause, or reasons for the ban on specific travel documents issued by the mentioned countries and listed on the USA travel ban list with special emphasis of the ban on one of Germany's travel documents at USA various ports that entailed the airports sea ports and border crossing points at USA various borders. Few media sources in the USA and the European Union countries with other countries around the World have too and repeatedly speculated on the cause, or reasons for enlistment of the countries on the travel ban list of the United States of America.
The mentioned listed Arab World countries that entailed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been referred to as attributes of USA intelligence failure, due to claims of extended recruitment of Islamic Militants and Jihadists terrorists by Muslims holy country of Saudi Arabia and its neighboring Arab Gulf countries as Qatar and Abu Dabei with the Islamists recruitment in the far away countries of the European Union countries as Brussels France Germany and the exiting EU member country of Britain. Besides the reason for abuse of traveling documents by the Arab and North African countries that have been listed on the travel ban list of USA President that has been embraced by many citizens, but not fully supported and enacted to legislations for enforcement within USA various States border region and territories as claimed by various media sources at home and in the various countries of the World. Both North and South of Sudan exemption from the travel ban list remain a subject of extended speculation, specially in the Arab World and North African countries and as far as in Russia the EU the Middle Eastern and East European countries, despite the two countries subordinacy to the country of USA as the efficient and wealthiest country of the World with formidable military muscles economic supremacy and financial dominance at both the domestic and global level. Other major countries of the Arab and North African countries have des ribed both the North and South of Sudanas the equivalent of immediate back yard countries, due to their dependency and submission, rather than defiance to the USA monetary financial economic political and military obligations, before and after the break away of South of Sudan from the North of Sudan by the disputed Referendums for indepence which, instead has worsen both countries financial economic political and military power with their relationship to the neighboring countries of the Arab World the Middle Eastern and African countries.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia
Bank : Green Dot Bank
Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name ; Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Germany's election results have been marked with success and by the extended celebration of the Christian Political Parties the Social Democratic Political Party and the Opposition Political Parties election victory that remains the highlighted news coverage on both the domestic and International media sources, despite the decline in the election results of the major political parties with the requirement for minor correction on the percentage votes obtained by the mentioned political parties, due to frantic publication of the election's initial results, before the final count of the percentage votes with the Parliamentary seats obtained by each of the government political parties with the Opposition Political Parties that have claimed uncertainty about the ambition for formation of the next coalition government with the Christian major ruling political parties said have been bursted, due to the election results of the major political parties which have substantially declined by percentage votes obtained and the Parliamentary seats procured by the major political parties and the Opposition Political Parties that entailed the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) which obtained thirty three percent (33%), instead of the thirty three point two percent (33.2%) published earlier with the equivalent Parliamentary seats of two hundred and fourth six (246), Instead of the two hundred and twenty Parliamentary seats reported and published earlier in the late Afternoon of Sunday, September 24th in the Year two thousand and seventeen. The Social Democratic Political Party (SPD) twenty percent percentage votes' instead of the twenty four percent (24%) published earlier and before the final count of Germany's election for this Year. An overall decline in percentage votes and Parliamentary seats procured by the major political parties of Germany ranged between minus eight point five percent (8.5%) to minus five percent, when compared to the previous election results, except for the results of the A!tentative For Deutschland Political Party (AFD) and the Free Democratic Political Party (FDP) which their results both fluctuated upwards in this Year's election in Germany by six percent and four point five percent respectively with the equivalent Parliamentary seats of ninety four (94) for the AFD Political Party, instead of the seventy four published earlier before the final count down of Germany's election for this Year and eighty Parliamentary seats for the FDP, instead of the sixth nine published earlier. The Linke, or the left wing political party of Germany fk ally obtained sixty nine votes, instead of the fifty seven published earlier in the late Afternoon of September 24th in the Year two thousand and seventeen . the Green Party obtained sixty one Parliamentary seats. Celebration? of the election results with relatively overwhelming victory of the Christian Democratic Political Party (CDU) and the Christian Social Union Political Party (CDU) prevailed in the last fourty eight hours since the announcement of both the initial with the final election results in the Democratic Republic of Germany, despite the Social Democratic Political Party hesitant of the required formation of a new coalition go ernment with the major Christian Political Parties in the Parliament of six hundred and fifty seats, instead of the seven hundred and three seats published earlier. However, much work would be required of all the political parties that comprised of the major the minor and Opposition Political Parties of the Democratic Republic of Germany to attain the required balance in the Parliament for policy making and decision making process in the Parliament of such magnitude with regard to the policies that should be implemented and enacted to legislations after the Parliamentary debates that usually ends with successful conclusion of the debates for policy recommended and supported by the Parliament for implementation, or enforcement in Germany's various States that entailed the free State of Bayern Munchen. The Christian Democratic Political Party (CDU) which has emerged victorious in this Year's election for the reelection of its favorite Chancellor candidate Chancellor Angela Merkel for the fourth term in office as the Chancellor of Democratic Republic of Germany in this election which may determine the pick-up of successful political parties that haveained the required Parliamentary seats in this Year's election and qualified them for possible coalition formation with the ruling Christian Political Parties of Democratic Republic of Germany.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia
Bank : Green Dot Bank, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Direct Deposit Account, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Germany's coalition government political parties won the election for the Year two thousand and seventeen with relatively overwhelming percentage votes and Parliamentary seats on Sunday, September 24th in the Year two thousand and seventeen, despite claims of bursted coalition government formation in the Democratic Republic of Germany, due to the percentage votes obtained with the Parliamentary seats procured by the major minor and Opposition Political Parties of Germany that entailed the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) which obtained thirty three point two percent (33.2%) votes with the equivalent of two hundred and twenty (220) Parliamentary seats for the Christian ruling political party that would require additional support to the support of its Christian Social Union Political Party (CSU) to form a new coalition government with other successful political parties that have attained better results in percentage votes and Parliamentary seats that have qualified them as Germany's few successful political parties for this Year's election and for the formation of s new coalition government with the ruling Christian Political Parties in the Democratic Republic of Germany. The second best election results in this Year's election, when compared to the previous Years, despite the decline in both percentage votes and Parliamentary seats obtained by many of the political parties, except the Free Democratic Political Party (FDP) and the Alternative for Deutschland Political Party (AFD) have been the results obtained by the Social Democratic Political Party of Germany (SPD) as predicted earlier by the scientific projections of professional journalists that comprised of the domestic and International Journalists along with the opinion polls carried out before the scheduled election for this Year in the Democratic Republic of Germany. The Social Democratic Political Party of Germany (SPD) has obtained twenty four point one percentage votes with the equivalent of one hundred and thirty seven Parliamentary seats that qualified the SPD as the favorite previous coalition government political party for the formation of the government's next new coalition government along with one, or two other political parties as the Free Democratic Political Party (FDP) and the Alternative For Deutschland Political Party (AFD) that have been both major surprise in this Year's election, due to the results procured by the mentioned two political parties that qualified them for the government's cabinet by coalition formation with the major ruling Christian political parties and the Social Democratic Political Party (SPD) in the Parliament of six hundred and fifty seats that requires more than half of Parliamentary seats for the required Parliamentary decision making process with the passage of policies that should be enacted to legislations in the Democratic Republic of Germany various States that entailed the free State of Bayern Munchen, despite the known fact that the AFD obtained thirteen point one percentage votes (13.1%) with the equivalent of eighty seven (87) Parliamentary seats in the German Parliament followed by over ten percent ((10%) percentag votes obtained by the FDP with equivalent of sixty nine (69) seats in the German Parliament the Bundestag. The Green Party obtained sixty one seats in the German Parliament for this Year's election in the Democratic Republic of Germany. The Linke, or the left wing political party obtained fifty seven seats in the Parliament and would qualify the party for the Opposition Political Parties cabinet for the next four Years. However, this election victory of the Christian Democratic Union Political Party could mean the party would determine its pick up for coalition government formation, despite the election results obtained by the successful political parties in this Year's election in the Democratic Republic of Germany, besides the formation of the next government Opposition Political Parties with Chancellor Angela Merkel as the elected favorite Chancellor candidate for the Chancellor's office in this Year's general election in the Democratic Republic of Germany as it may have been predicted earlier by professional Journalists in Germany the EU countries and many other countries around the World. Policy making differences among the major and minor political parties with the Opposition Political Parties on various significant issues and problems that have been faced by Germany the EU countries and other countries of this World may diminish as the reelected Chancellor of Germany for office and for the fourth consecutive terms as the Chancellor of Democratic Republic of Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel has been determine and more incline to reach compromise with Germany's major minor and the Opposition Political Parties on the major significant issues as the immigration with emphasis on refugees and asylum seekers problems as the influx the integration difficulties with the finance budget allocation and distribution of refugees and asylum seekers within Germany and the European Union countries. Other issues that requires attention of the the next government with required solutions entailed the questions on taxation with possible reforms on the various types of taxation in Germany. Security measures against terrorism in Germany's and EU major cities with series of defense issues as Germany's intervention policy for domestic and International foreign missions, or conflicts as the current intervention mission against terrorism in Turkey.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Exchange of tough and fierce words, or words that emphasized defiance, rather than the required compromise between the leaders of the World's major countries of the United States of America and North Korea has further escalated to the point that has been generally described on the domestic and International media as the mounting pressure on both leaders President Donald Trump of the USA and President Kim Jung Un of North Korea, particularly on the current worsening condition of lack of compromise with the possible outbreak of war between the two countries, due to defiance and lack of compromise on the required solution to the emerging issues and problems from both countries as the threats of nuclear weapons test and the tests of the long range bsllastic missiles by the North Korean government in Pyongyang and USA government defensive measures with claims of protection of International Treaties as the None Nuclear Proliferation Treaty with the Treaty for the ban on weapons of mass destruction as the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles along with other short and long range ballistic missiles that can be armed with nuclear war heads to target targets in the nearest, or far away locations, or countries within one Continent, or in another far away Continents of America Europe Asia Africa Australia the Arctic Circle and the Antarctica in the farthest tip of the African Continent, despite the USA President renewed and unilateral declaration of tougher sanction and possibly other precautionary measures against nuclear weapons and long range missiles tests which the President emphasized earlier in the week as the possible destruction of North Korea during the United Nations 72nd General Assembly debate on which many countries of the World attended and entailed the USA Russia China the European Union countries which entailed the exiting EU member country of Britain Japan Canada Australia and other countries of the Middle East as Israel and Palestine the Arab World and African countries that convened to discuss and resolve the current emerging issues and problems as the current missile crisis between the USA and North Korea, besides the Climate change the battle against terrorism the refugees crisis in many countries of this World with emphasis on Myanmar refugees crisis and the tougher accountability methods against the United Nations peace keeping forces during deployment for peace keeping and Humanitarian missions in various countries of the World, particularly in the Central Africa Republic and parts of South of Sudan. This happened just few days, after the United Nations Security Council convened discussed and concluded the extraordinary meeting of the Security Council Members with the decision for tougher sanction against North Korea, but objected the implementation of the United Nations alternative Resolution for peace that authorizes the use of military force by the major countries to end extended and bloody conflicts that have claimed much damage in human lives and property within the shortest time period, specially on Russia and China repeated denouncement of use of military force with the demand for implementing tougher measures in sanction against Pyongyang the capital city and seat of the government of North Korea, instead they demanded the sought for better and peaceful solution to the resolution of the current mentioned problems as the missile dispute that has escalated in to the World's known second missile crisis in the USA history against equally minor countries as North Korea and Cuba. Nevertheless, satellite images have revealed quite the opposite to the required conclusion of the USA President and the United Nations Security Council Members. Reinforcement of the USA forces in the Korean Peninsula South Korea China Sea and the Pacific Ocean has been detected by satellites orbiting the Earth many miles above the Space Station, besides deployment of the Naval Forces in the specified countries sea and Ocean. Neither a report has been filed against both countries irresponsible actions, or mistreatment of the citizens of both countries in the other country for claims of possible outbreak of war between USA and North Korea, nor that the Embassies of both countries may have been notified about the irresponsible mistreatment of other countries and requested to organize immediate travel arrangement for the Asian domestic citizens from the USA to North Korea and other Asian countries as China Japan South Korea North Korea and other Asian countries. The Opposite, or the same may have happened to the USA citizens in North Korea and other mentioned Asian countries. But the question that has remained unanswered has been what would happen to the citizens of both countries, if war and hostility breaks out between the USA and North Korea.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Lufthansa airlines stands out as the favorite airline company among various airlines that entailed the British airlines with the private believers Investors that have been listed as the qualified companies and Investors whose names have been indicated, but not release for domestic and international media coverage as required for the purchase of of Germany's private airlines companies air Berlin and Ryan airlines that have both declared insolvency, due to declining efficiency for the required output production capacity attributed to lack of professionals as the captains in command of the aircrafts as the Being 747 the Air Bus and other passenger aircraft's for both the domestic and International air travel to nearby and long distance travel in the far away destinations . Lufthansa airlines first place on the list of favorite purchasers of the mentioned airlines hasn'n been a surprise, despite the recent airports employees frequent protest by demonstration and strike at Germany's various States that entailed the free State of Bayern Munchen, due to the unheeded demands of the airport employees and Lufthansa airlines professionals as the Cockpit professionals that comprised of the captain in command of the mentioned aircrafts with those in the duty of accompaniment as the flight engineer the co-pilot, or the first officer second in command of the aircraft the flight attendants and the security personnel for both the domestic and International flights bound for far away destinations at home and in the foreign countries. The unheeded demands of the airlines professionals and airport employees entailed the demand for tariff increase that has been specified as five percent tariff increase for the airport employees and the remaining two point eight percent for the airlines professionals in Germany's various States. Besides, the demands for improved working conditions with regard to the required higher standards and safety conditions that entailed the security conditions at various airports with the flights safety for mostly overstressed captains in command of the many public and private airlines that included the Lufthansa airlines. Increased insurance premiums for senior pilots that have been generally described as at verge and age of retirement with the demand for increased sufficient pension remains the major issue that could hurt the efficiency and capability of Lufthansa airlines management, when compared to other airlines as the British airlines that has remained among the World's favorite companies for the purchase of Ryan airlines and air Berlin for the estimated amount of about three hundred billion euros in the next few months. However among the favorite foreign Investors for the purchase of Ryan airlines and air Berlin China's Investors have been listed the number one Investors followed by USA and other countries Investors as the European Union countries Investors, if Lufthansa airlines and the British airlines management and employees denounce the purchase of the mentioned airlines. USA and China's Investors both the young and the old would not hesitate to venture, or gamble their chances for this great investment opportunity and lucrative business that may propel their new and better Investment prospects to new heights of sucess on one hand, but on the other it could could cause further insolvency, or severe bankruptcy that could destroy the airline business and industry in Germany, or in Britain and the EU, or other Eurozone countries, besides other far away countries as the USA Canada China Japan South Korea North Korea and other major airlines companies of the Middle East the Arab World and African countries. The government of Democratic Republic of Germany along with the trade unions have not remained silent, instead they have demanded compromise among the governments cabinet members the airport and airlines trade unions and airport employees for the required immediate halt of frequent protest by demonstration and strike that can destroy the airlines industry and air travel in the USA the EU and other major countries of the World that entailed Russia.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank
Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Direct Deposit Account, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Preelection activities intensified in Germany's various States that entailed the free State of Bayern Munchen as the days have elapsed toward the begin of the scheduled election days on the twenty fourth and the end of this month in the various States and the free State of Germany respectively. Earlier pre-election predictions and in actual voting, besides the opinion polls with the scientific predictions have revealed minor fluctuations in Germany's scheduled election contest by the major and minor political parties that entailed the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) the Christian Social Union Political Party (CSU) and the Social Democratic Political Party (SPD) with the Opposition Political Parties that comprised of the Green Party (GP) the Alternative for Deutschland Political Party (AFD) the Free Democratic Political Party (FDP) the left wing political party also known as the Linke Political Party and the right wing political party also known as the National Democratic Political Party of Germany that has fortunately survived government's demand for its ban by the Highest Court required final decision that specified its ruling against the government's demand for the ban of Germany's right wing Opposition Political Party with the Neo-Nazi suspects from political participation in the Democratic Republic of Germany as unconstitutional and should neither be made to a political demand , nor legislative demand that may authorize the enaction of the policy in to legislation in the Democratic Republic of Germany. Germany's political parties and supporters activities did not relax as mentioned earlier in my article, instead they intensified to the
point of frequent meetings bill boarding and demonstrations for, or against the favorite election candidates that are currently running for office of the Chancellor in the Democratic Republic of Germany in this Year's election along with the mentioned major political parties of Germany the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) and the Social Democratic Political Party (SPD), specifically the current Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and the Social Democratic Party election front runner and Chairman Martin Schulz who has continued to gradually lose his competitive stand against the overwhelming victory of Germany's major Christian political parties by one to six points in the various States of Germany that entailed the free State of Bayern Munchen. The latest preelection results of the Christian political parties, particularly the results of the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) has revealed its lead over other major political parties of Germany by over six points, despite the domestic and International media sources results of twenty four point one percent (24.1%) for CDU and eighteen point two percent (18.2%) for the Social Democratic Political Party (SPD) followed by other major political parties as the Christian Social Union Political Party (CSU) the Alternative for Deutschland Political Party (AFD) the Green Party (GP) the Free Democratic Political Party (FDP) the Left Wing Political Party also known as the Linke and the Right Wing Political Party also known as the National Democratic Political Party of Germany the (NDP) with few claimed Neo-Nazi that may have been identified by mistake as supporters of the (NDP) whom would like to represent the Opposition Political Party in the German Parliament the Bundestag in this Year's general election, despite serious of demonstrations for, or against the major political parties with the Opposition Political Parties in the Democratic Republic of Germany. These election facts with the assertions will surely confirm the overwhelming victory of Germany's major Christian political parties that comprised of the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) and the Christian Social Union Political Party (CSU) with the Opposition Political Parties and the projected reelection of Chancellor Angela Merkel for office and for the fourth term as the Chancellor of Democratic Republic of Germany.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank
Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
World leaders and various countries reaction to the 72nd United Nations General Assembly Debate held at the United Nations General Headquarters in New York city in the United States of America on September 19th in the Year two thousand and seventeen has been generally described as disappointing by other World leaders and countries, due to USA President Donald Trump speech for possible destruction of North Korea. Besides, the dispute and lack of compromise of few leaders and countries on significant issues and problems that requires immediate, or long term solutions. The World's media sources that comprised of the domestic and International media along with the media personnel that entailed the domestic and International Journalists that directly, or indirectly attended the 72nd United Nations General Assembly Debate have either commented rather differently, or may have speculated on the reaction of foreign countries on the USA President speech for possible destruction of North Korea, due to North Korea government defiance to the USA government and the World's Body demands for halt of its threats in frequent atomic bomb test and long range missiles tests, particularly the test of the highly destructive nuclear weapons as the atomic bomb, or the Hydrogen Bomb and the long range missiles that could be armed with nuclear war heads to target far away targets in the far away Continent as the United States of America. Other disappointing comments of the World leaders and delegates have gained the domestic and International media attention in extended media coverage that has been broadcasted and published on the domestic and International Newspapers, specially those that entailed comments and speech on the USA President speech for possible destruction of North Korea which too has been indicated on the domestic media sources at home and in foreign countries as either either verbal and unintentional expression of the President of the United States of America Donald Trump, or the deliberate speech of USA President that signaled the President's intention for possible outbreak of another fierce and the fifth war in this World against threats of peace freedom equality and progress in both the developing and the developing countries at the 72nd United Nations General Assembly Debate which has been expected to discuss major significant issues and resolve problems facing the countries of this World, besides the exerted effort and suggestions to resolve these problems immediately, or gradually over certain, or long period of time with the United States of America on the lead, or other major countries as Russia China the European Union countries and other relatively bigger countries with emerging, or increasing role of responsibility toward resolving the current major significant issues with the problems facing the nations of this World by peaceful means, rather than by use of military force, or implementation of the United Nations alternative Resolution that authorizes the use of military force, when necessary, or as means for peace purpose on extended warfare, of conflicts with the immense, or huge magnitude in property and human lives that have been frequently lost as a result of such conflicts. The dispute and lack of compromise on various issues during the debate, specially the dispute over Iran's ambition for nuclear power along with the claims of Iran's manufacture of atomic bomb and long range missiles that could be armed with nuclear war heads. Another disturbing issue, or rather problem that requires immediate solution by peaceful means as suggested by the European Union countries have been recognition of Treaties, or agreements and their observation. However, the President of France Emmanuel Macro mentioned during the United Nations General Assembly Debate the requirement for respect of Treaties and agreements signed by many countries as the None Nuclear Proliferation Treaty the ban on use of weapons of mass destruction and possibly the enrichment agreement on Iran's enrichment program with ban, or tolerance of nuclear weapons and the long range missiles that could be armed with nuclear war heads.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank
Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
World leaders convened at the United Nations 72nd General Assembly Meeting held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York city on Tuesday, September 19th in the Year two thousand and seventeen for discussion of significant global issues and problems facing many countries of this World. USA President Donald China President Xi Jinping United Nations General Secretary Antonio Guetteres France President Emanuel Macro Turkey President Rezept Tayip Erdogan and high rank delegates from Russia China the European Union countries Japan South Korea that entailed Britain Germany France with other far away countries of the Middle East the Persian region, specially Iran the Arab World and African countries attended this Year's General Assembly meeting and delivered important speeches on the current significant global issues and problems facing both the developed and the developing countries of this World. The President of the United States of America Donald Trump emphasized his speech on global threats facing this World, specially USA open option for possible destruction of North Korea along with the United Nations attempts to resolve these threats, but did not mentioned anything about claims against USA deliberate action to drastically reduced, or cut allocation of its annual budget to the United Nations Organization by about half, or more than half in the next few years for reasons that have not been mentioned by the President during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly Meeting Headquarters in New York city in the USA earlier today and specifically on Tuesday, September 19th in the Year two thousand and seventeen. The United Nations General Secretary Antonio Guetteres focused his speech on global and domestic issues facing the United Nations Organization and the World. Besides, the current refugees crisis in many countries of the World, particularly the current refugees crisis in Myanmar and other places as Germany and the EU countries with other places and countries as Syria Afghanistan the Mediterranean Sea the Middle Eastern the Arab World and African countries. Climate Change issues with the current attempts for solutions to the emerging crises, whether they may began made, or caused by Natural Catastrophe. The requirement to settle dispute and end violation, or corruption being exercised by the United Nations Peace Keeping forces in various countries of the World, particularly in Central Africa Republic and parts of South of Sudan by implementing no tolerance policy code against such violent actions carried out by the United Nations Peace Keeping Forces that have tortured and rapedgirls and women in Central Africa Republic and parts of South of Sudan. France President Emmanuel Macro arrived at Washington DC for the 72nd United Nations General Assembly Meeting a day earlier before the scheduled begin of the General Assembly Debate and had a brief televised press Conference at the White House with USA President Donald Trump on which he mentioned the reason for his visit to the USA and for discussion of of important issues as France relationship to the USA and other countries, besides the current security concern about terrorism and what should be done against. France congratulation to the President of the United Nations 72nd General Assembly Debate Mr. Miroslav Lajicak the Foreign Affairs Minister of Slovak. The protection of refugees, specially children from various war torn countries as those from Myanmar and other countries mentioned earlier. The domestic and International media personnel that entailed the television and Newspapers Journalists covered extensively the General Assembly Debate and speeches of the leaders of this World on the domestic and International news media coverage sources in the United States of America and in foreign countries as the EU countries the Persian region, or Iran the Middle East the Arab World and African countries.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321.
Monday, September 18, 2017
Reports on which political party may have won the election press conference contest for the third position during the televised interview held between the relatively major political parties of Germany, specifically the Green Party (GP) and the Free Democratic Political Party (FDP) remained controversial and unknown, despite extended media coverage of the debate of the two chairmen Ozmir and Lindner of the Green Political Party (GP) and Free Democratic Party (FDP) of Germany respectively. The significant themes discussed during the election press interview, exactly one week, before the election entailed the discussion over possible coalition government formation with the major political parties the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) the Christian Social Union Political Party (CSU) and the Social Democratic Political Party (SPD), if the two political parties win this year's election by an accepted legislative margin. In other words the two mentioned political parties the Green Party and the Free Democratic Party should win sufficient seats in the German Parliament the Bundestag to enable, or qualify the parties members for a position as citizens Representative, or an expert in specific field and as coalition government cabinet members for making the required decision, or participate in the decision making process of the government's cabinet members, or of the Parliament. Requestflr explanation of the "JAMAICA" coalition government with the two, or the major coalition government political parties has been emphasized repeatedly during the interview and after the interview of the relatively major political parties. Education and Digitalization remained significant issues for discussion among the major and relatively major political parties with the Opposition Political Parties of the Democratic Republic of Germany. Both political parties have supported the major political parties current policy for the upgrade of Germany's current education system, if elected for office in this year's election as one of the coalition government cabinet members, or the Opposition Political Parties, despite the less known fact of how the current better education system in Germany's various States that included the free State of Bayern Munchen could be improved, or upgraded to the mentioned best and higher standards of education, except for the request, or rather the demand for more educational funds in tariff increase, or pay raise for the professional teachers and Professors of higher Institutions of education with demand for increase of scholarship funds for students research students and Professors that have enrolled for additional studies, or research in Germany's various Universities. The limitation set on the numbers of immigrants refugees and asylum seekers that should be permitted entry in to Democratic Republic of Germany, except for the major christian political parties, the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) and Christian Social Union Political Party (CSU) that specified the numbers of numbers of forty thousand and two hundred thousand immigrants refugees and asylum seekers that should be permitted entry in to Germany on annual, or over a certain period of time, despite the compromise reached by the two major christian political parties the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) and Christian Social Union Political Party (CSU) over entry and possibly distribution of refugees and asylum seekers in to Germany's various States that entailed the free State of Bayern Munchen and in the European Union countries of France Belgium Austria Switzerland Sweden and the exiting EU member country of Britain. Environmental protection measures with the shift from hazardous and polluting energy sources as the fossil fuel energy sources and the atomic energy source to the environment friendly renewable energy sources as the Wind the Solar the Hydro-electric the Biomass and Geothermal energy sources have been mentioned as significant. Besides, the demand for electric vehicles manufacture in Germany and its use to reduce emission from both point and none point pollution sources that could be found in the various locations in the Democratic Republic of Germany. The FDP emphasized on the requirement for better performance of the economic market and certainly the financial mar!ets emerging better, or best performance on the domestic and International markets.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Direct Deposit Account, Routing Number :124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Parish Climate Change Treaty has remained a major challenge for both scientists and governments, specially the European Union government to accomplish their objectives for cleaning the atmosphere and the environment by faster reduction of carbon dioxide and other toxic substances from the atmosphere within the shortest time period to enable control of Global Warming at least by one degree centigrade and its consequences, despite the EU government support for the Climate Change Treaty signed by oner one hundred and fifty countries of this World that supported the unified policy and enacted legislations for faster implementation of governments' Environmental Protection policies and measures against pollution of the atmosphere and the environment. Besides, the specified battle against global warming and its aftermath consequences by the known legislative authority for the required change of the governments' energy policy with the shift from the polluting and hazardous energy sources to the environment friendly and renewable energy sources as the Solar the Wind the Hydroelectric the Biomass and Geothermal energy sources. These extended series of flow of information made possible by information transfer technology were made known earlier today by the repeated and extended media coverage on both the domestic and International media sources immediately, after the release of the message of the delayed progress intne Pilot's Research Studies at Germany's top Universities on the current general and global effort being exerted by the EuropeanUnion countries for the required urgent solution to the pollution of the atmosphere and the Environment by the known major pollution sources as the point and none point pollution sources such as the factories the companies and farms, or agriculture facilities that exceedingly uses fertilizers and toxic pesticides to fight harmful insects warms and viruses that may be found on land farms and crops. Besides the automotive vehicles emission that has been listed as the number one cause of none point pollution sources against the atmosphere and the environment in many countries of both the developed and the developing countries of this World that have been regarded as highly mechanized and industrialized nations of this World that emits higher percentage carbon dioxide and other toxic gases in to atmosphere and the environment by the various emission sources. Scientists and students of Germany's top Universities have released reports on the first stage of the pilot's research studies for elimination of higher percentage carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and underground storage facilities that has remained difficult to accomplish within the shortest time period, by siphoning and storing carbon dioxide and other toxic gases in cylinders and other bigger containers that can be stored under the ground for long period of time. However, few researchers have described this method for faster elimination of higher percentage carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the environment as not successful, despite removal of tons of carbon dioxide and its storage in underground facilities for carbon dioxide and other toxic gases located in Germany's various States. The unsafe part of the project has been the difficulty to disintegrate, or break down the compound gas carbon dioxide in to it's basic and less harmful elements for long term safer storage in the underground storage facilities that may not require continues monitoring as it has been required to prevent future underground explosion caused by the stored gases and the unwanted return of the toxic gases in to the atmosphere. Scientists and researchers current temporary failure to attain break through on alternative ways for faster removal of excessive carbon dioxide and other toxic gases has been referred to as an obstacle to the current effort of scientists and governments for the faster removal of higher percentage carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the environment.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Friday, September 15, 2017
European Union Parliament and the Highest Court decision may soon be challenged by the required decision on the controversial and basic social difference issues as the major family issues the cultural the educational and religious, or other beliefs issues and differences among the evolving various Communities and Societies of European Union countries, particularly in Poland, after repeated legislative equality demands emerged among couples in Polish families and Communities that have overwhelmed Poland's regional courts, due to excessive emerging brutality of beating among couples and families members by the husband, or head of the family whose brutal actions may have been reported, or made known by the family members and the Community, but has remained unheeded by legislators law enforcement personnel and the government of Poland, Inspite of the extend of this family crisis that has reached unreasonable level in frequent brutal beating of wives and children to death, or by inflicting severe injury to wives children and family members that often disables, or limits the victims activities and freedom. Legislators Representatives Human Rights groups and social workers have been enraged by the conservative government refusal to pay attention to the evolving brutality in extended beating of wives children and relatives in polish families of various Communities, due to less serious mistake that does not deserve excessive punishment by heads of families, or the government at the time of modern Democratic system of government, improved social conditions better education system with relatively prosperous economy and financial freedom for the polish citizens of various classes. Besides, Poland's current position as member of the European Union countries which its former and current governments may have met all the conditions required of every European Union member country to fulfill, before inclusion in to membership of European Union countries as the specified basic infrastructure better credit line for a unified finance policy the prevention of Euro crisis with the demand for higher efficiency in better economic productivity and financial freedom intended for the upgrade of all the European Union countries standards of living to the required standards accepted by the European Union government, which certainly includes Poland's citizens, despite being currently highlighted as one of the EU countries which its conservative government does not pay attention to the European Union government Constitutional Civil and Humanitarian Rights that have been generally described as European Union countries values that emphasized the basic rights and concept of freedom which has been the basic right in freedom of Movement of the European Union countries citizens signed Brussels and the Netherlands and defended by the Maastricht's Treaty for the free Movement of European Union countries citizens within the EU and Eurozone countries. However, the conservative government of Poland has objected the amendment of its claimed legislative principles with freedom for Judges and legislators, but defended brutality in the beating of wives children and family members by the husbands, or heads of family in many Polish families as domestic issues of family members, particularly in the Polish families that should not be regarded as special freedom for the husbands of wives and heads of the families over their wives children and family members in which government's legislative and enforcement departments and personnel should not be involved, except when the beating of wives children and family members exceeded certain limits to the point of extended brutality in severe frequent beating, or beating to death of wives and children by fathers in Polish families of various Communities and Society. Legislators and lawyers that represented women and children cases on the emerging brutality of beating in Polish families have frequently and bitterly complained about the extend of brutality among couples in Polish families and forwarded to the European Union government in Brussels and the churches for the required intervention against the recent evolving bad characteristics in Polish families of various classes that requires changes in the Constitutional Civil and Humanitarian Rights along with changes in the legislations of Poland to enable intervention of the legislation and enforcement personnel in domestic family affairs with exceeding brutality in the beating of wives children and family members by their father in Poland's various Communities and Society.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account : Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Amidst highlights of preelection results with the projections that have been made for this Year's election results in the Democratic Republic of Germany, specially of the major political parties that entailed the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) the Christian Social Union Political Party (CSU) the Alternative for Deutschland Political Party (AFD) and other political parties as the Free Democratic Political Party (FDP) with the Opposition Political Parties as the Green Party (GP) and the left wing political party also known as the Linke, the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel earned a new name once again as the high technology and automotive vehicle industry Chancellor exactly ten days, before the begin of the scheduled general election in the Democratic Republic of Germany for her support for the high technology and automotive, or locomotive industries in Germany and globally in the various countries of this World, specifically when the Chancellor opened the modern automotive vehicles exhibition in Frankfurt Am Main earlier today on Thursday, September 14th in the Year two thousand and seventeen and delivered the speech on modern technology and automotive vehicles industry during the brief televised interview at Frankfurt Am Main on which many press men and women along with politicians intellectuals and citizens may have set their speculation and claims which too may have boost the Chancellor's speech on better future prospects in the automotive vehicle industry and innovative technological aspects as the modern electric vehicles with absolutely zero emission rate and digitalization of the automotive and locomotive vehicles industries in the Democratic Republic of Germany and globally in the various countries of this World as the USA Russia China the European Union countries the Middle Eastern the Arab World and African countries. The Chancellor of Germany emphasized further on what should be done at faster phase by the automotive vehicles companies, particularly those which their production has been temporarily halted, or may have been ban, due to excessive emission over the specified rates of emission in the Democratic Republic of Germany, specially the automotive vehicle companies that mainly manufactures diesel engines for both domestic markets and foreign International markets by domestic purchase and distribution, or export to the various countries of the World. These Statements of the Chancellor certainly indicated her support for the auto industry in the Democratic Republic of Germany for which she expected much support and work that should be done with regard to the support for development of new electronic devices that should help reduce emission rates of diesel engine vehicles which their manufacture has been threaten by ban, due to Environmental Protection legislation against pollution of the atmosphere and the Environment. However, scientific projection and opinion polls on the current scheduled election for the Chancellor's office and for this Year have indicated the Chancellor's Christian Democratic Political Party lead over other major political parties, specially on the current preelection contest and results in which the CDU has obtained a thirty seven percent points lead over the major political parties followed by the Social Democratic Political Party (SPD) that has obtained twenty percent points in the preelection contest results. The major Christian Political Parties that comprised of the Christian Democratic Union Political Party (CDU) the Christian Social Union Political Party (CSU) have been predicted to win the election by overwhelming majority support and victory as in the previous elections. This would mean Chancellor Angela Merkel would be reelected as Chancellor of Democratic Republic of Germany as it has been predicted earlier and for the fourth term as the first female and long serving Chancellor of modern Germany since the creation of the modern system of government of Germany with the amendments, after the second World War.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank
Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 3015303120
Account Type : Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account : Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
The United Nations Security Council passed the Resolution for new sanction against North Korea during the extraordinary meeting held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York the USA on the current nuclear and long range missile tests dispute which has been upgraded to nuclear and missiles crisis with North Korea, specifically said to have been caused by President Jung Un and the cabinet members of North Korea government in Pyongyang, despite Russia and China rejection of the new sanction against North Korea during the meeting held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York late last week and demanded peaceful settlement of the current emerging nuclear and long range missiles tests dispute between the USA and North Korea which has been upgraded to nuclear and missiles test crisis in the Korean Peninsula China Sea the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. Besides, North Korea current ambition for nuclear and long range missiles capability which the USA and EU countries have repeatedly denounced as a threat against peace in this World. This United Nations Resolution for new sanction against North Korea may have reduced the mounting pressure for possible outbreak of another fierce conflict against North Korea by the USA Forces the NATO the Western European and the none NATO allied countries, specially of the Arab World countries that have been involved in the war against terrorism in the areas of conflicts of the Middle Eastern and the Arab World countries with the areas of conflict in the far away Asian countries of North Korea South Korea and the Korean Peninsula. Besides, other locations of conflicts the far away Asian countries that entailed China Sea the Yellow Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. However North Korea leader Kim Jung Un refusal to participate as required in the dialogue with the USA and Western European countries on mediation effort of the Republic of China has been generally termed as defiance of North Korean leadership to comply with the World's Body regulations, particularly the World's Treaties as the None Nuclear Proliferation policy with the ban on use of weapons of mass destruction as the Continental Missile and long range ballistic missiles that have been made capable of being armed with nuclear war heads that can destroy far away targets in distant locations of one Continent, or can destroy many targets simultaneously in various Continents. Other Western countries with few Asian countries as China and Japan have accepted immediate implementation of the specified new sanction against North Korea by immediate ban on the purchase of North Korea oil gas and other exports. Besides the demand for closer of North Korea major businesses in the USA the European Union countries and other countries, after implementation of the sanction by the governments of the mentioned countries which included the NATO and none NATO Allied countries as the USA Russia China the European Union countries that entailed the exiting EU member country of Britain and Turkey, despite Russia's and China's Ambassadors objection to the new United Nations Resolution for extended sanction against North Korea at the time of north Korea emerging image of success with continued fight of the government against poverty corruption with the effort for better security and defense of the country. Nevertheless, USA President Dona Trump speech for possible options that may include the use of military force as an alternative solution for peace in North Korea the Korean Peninsula and the Pacific Ocean region remains the current unwanted possibility that could cause the outbreak of fierce war in the North Korean Peninsula and the Pacific Ocean, despite Russia and China mediation effort for peace in North Korea the Korean Peninsula and the Pacific Ocean. The deployment, or redeployment of the USA forces in South Korea the Korean Peninsula and the Pacific Ocean has not cease to this moment.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account : Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321.
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia.
USA President Donald Trump observed his first nine eleven (9/11) sixteenth annual recall to memory anniversary since he transition to power as the President of United States of America earlier this year with stronger words that reflected the significance of the men and women in the military, or the service for the defense odour country and specified the number of five million men and women in the USA military whom have sacrificed with their precious lives in the line of duty for the defense of the country and deserved the annual recall to memory observation which will keep them in our memory for along time, or forever as the heroes that should not be forgotten. The President further emphasized on the details of nine eleven (9/11) how it had happened and Americans response to the terror catastrophe of such magnitude that further reflected Americans unity in time of difficulty, despite the current increasing differences in the various fields that entailed racial differences with the varied racial contentions in the various Communities and Society in the USA. Increasing economic financial social immigration and security issues have unfortunately remained major issues that have toughen things for many Americans, specially at the domestic level, rather than the International level. The President further concluded the ceremonial speech dedicated to the victims of nine eleven and their families by the Statements that described the known characteristics typical of the USA citizens, or the Americans that thrives for their success and happiness and for the happiness of all that continues to bless the Americans in addition to God's blessing for the country and individual Americans that have continued in their ceaseless effort toward perfection success and happiness for themselves their families the neighbors and for all the Americans in good and in bad, or difficult time, besides their effort to defend their values prosperity and country and let God bless America and the American citizen at home and in the foreign countries, specially those many that have continuously and tirelessly contributed toward accomplishment of the country's and the people collective, or individual's objectives which have been acknowledged as known, or new characteristics typical of Americans successful celebrities stars and ordinary citizens, besides the country's with the leadership accomplished objectives toward specific goals. Nevertheless, political differences on various issues which included the security and defense of the country will continue to prevail among USA major political parties the Republics and Democratic Political Parties along with the various departments and branches of governments as the Executive the Legislative and Judiciary that have emphasized their concern on the major controversial political issues as the security defense and healthcare issues, specially on the extension of the current global war against terrorism with the accepted policy making and decision making process by the President the Senate and members of the House of Representives on significant issues as the finance trade relationship economy healthcare immigration security Environmental Protection and the defense issues being currently discussed, or faced by the Administration of President Donald Trump. Besides, the global request, or rather the demand for USA leadership guidance in the various mentioned fields which too may reshape USA current staggering foreign policy as claimed by USA high rank government officials, specially in the foreign affairs Department as the USA Ambassadors and diplomats in the service of the country in foreign countries.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494.
Name :Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account : Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number :19958593088299321.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Hurricane Irma made landfall at USA coastal State of Florida at around midday as previously predicted with highest speed of about a hundred and twenty kilometers per hour and magnitude of category four hurricane, despite repeated attempts of weather scientists meteorologists and USA Army to divert the category four hurricane off the coastal State of Florida and parts of Georgia to the Atlantic Ocean, after hurricane Irma devastated the Caribbean Islands and multiple locations in Haiti. The extend of damage inflicted on the USA coastal city of Florida, specifically at Florida Keys Tampa Bay and Naples has been generally described as enormous. The governor of Florida Mr. Scott has described the extend of damage in the three mentioned cities of Florida in his own words as " something we have not had and seen before." The details of damage inflicted in property damage and human lives that have been lost has not been revealed, except for the estimate made by the experts in the specific fields which specified the damage as an equivalent to, or worth the amount of a hundred and thirty billion USA dollars. Over forty emergency centers have been opened in the State of Florida alone for the required services for the coastal State citizens that have been displaced by both the enormous hurricane Irma with its immediate aftermath in rising flood water that has flooded, or filled the forests and homes in Florida Keys and parts of the mentioned cities and towns from bottom to the top. The over forty emergency centers that have been opened to accommodate the over six million USA citizens in Florida State that did not comply with the evacuation warnings, or measures have remained insufficient to accommodate all the displaced citizens and supply all of them with the required services in basic humanitarian necessities provision, specifically the shelters foods drinks and medicines for the thousands and millions of citizens that have been displaced injured shocked, or may have been trusted ashore by the violent waves, when hurricane Irma made landfall at three mentioned location in the State of Florida. Florida State and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have again and repeatedly reaffirmed their commitment to the obligations of their duties during the tough time of emergency condition caused by the Natural Catastrophe named Irma that devastated the State of Florida and parts of the State of Georgia. Nonetheless, Georgia State and its citizens may be regarded as lucky for this time, due to the known fact that, after the attempts of weather scientists meteorologists and the USA military had failed to divert hurricane IRMA off the coastal State of Florida and parts of Georgia, something rather unusual may have happened either in the Gulf of Mexico, or at Florida Keys, when Irma made landfall at the Keys and the mentioned cities and towns in Florida and parts of Georgia. In Georgia State the extend of damage caused by hurricane Irma has been minimal. Electric lamps cables and poles have been either knocked off the lines, or may have been eradicated off the ground, when Irma made landfall. But, when compared to power outage damage in the Coastal State of Florida the difference has been enormous, particularly on the damage caused on power supply by the Natural Catastrophe in both States, specially in the State of Florida in which millions of homes have suffered power outage as a result of cables lamps and power poles that have been either knocked off, or eradicated, or by the rising flood water which has overwhelmed all precautionary measures against further damage in the State of Florida, particularly in Florida Keys Tampa Bay and Naples.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot Bank, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account: Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
European Union Highest Court concluded its required final decision on one of the controversial political financial economic immigration social security and defense issues that threatens the unity of European Union countries earlier in the week by the ruling that supported European Union government current policies, particularly the policy for the solution to the current immigration crisis in Western Europe with the European Union countries unified policy for distribution of refugees and asylum seekers in Western and few Eastern European countries, but the European Union government rejected Eastern European countries demand for cash money allocation to few Eastern European countries for the cost of hosting refugees, or for compensation of the funds used by Eastern European countries to build barbed wired fence along the Western and Eastern European countries border region for the prevention of refugees and asylum seekers influx from Eastern European countries to Western European countries cities, particularly in the major cities of Germany Switzerland Austria Denmark Sweden Britain and France. The European Union Highest Court further emphasized on the results of the Highest Court revision and ruling on the controversial policy which neither revealed violation of Constitutional Rights, nor the legislative, or civil rights with the values of domestic European Union countries citizens within the specified time period, or since immigration crisis broke out in Western Europe with the demand for the sought of immediate solution to the refugees and asylum seekers influx in Western Europe that entailed the erection of the fence along the border region between Western and Eastern European countries. Besides, the demand for further and faster deportation of rejected refugees and asylum seekers from various countries of this World, particularly those from Eastern Europe Afghanistan Syria the Northern African countries of Tunisia Algeria Morocco and other North West East and South African countries, despite the United Nations Organization repeated complain against indiscriminate deportation of rejected refugees and asylum seekers from Western Europe, particularly those that have been rescued by the joined European Union and Eurozone countries Naval Forces that have been deployed for the rescue operation of refugees asylum seekers and illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean Sea and along European Union countries coastal region. European Union Highest Court final decision and ruling on the controversial distribution policy of European Union countries may not have found and did not mentioned any violation of refugees asylum seekers and illegal immigrants rights by the domestic Eurozone's regional courts that have been responsible for refugees and asylum seekers cases with the decisions that have been made recognition rejection and deportation of refugees and asylum seekers that have not been eligible for refugee, or asylum seeker status in Western Europe, or those that may have failed to fulfill the basic requirements demanded of every refugee or asylum seeker currently residing in Western Europe which entailed going to school and acquiring sufficient knowledge and skill that may enable a refugee, or asylum seeker to contribute in the jobs and markets economy by their skill or constant hard labor for those in the job business that requires mental health or physical strength which may enable self sufficiency and independency being sought by refugees, or asylum seekers and their families. Besides, the requirement for proficiency in the various European Union countries languages that will enable adequate communication for social interaction and eventual integration in to European Union countries various Communities and Societies. Other controversial policies that may be ruled upon, or may require the European Union Highest Court final decision entailed the EU financial issues, specially with Britain, due to Brexit . Security and the war against terrorism in Europe's major cities and the controversial defense policy for formation of European Union High Command Center Headquarters in Germany France Belgium and in the none Brexit, or the none exiting United Kingdom countries from EU membership have additional major issues that requires solution by the decision of EU Highest Court in Brussels.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia
Bank : Green Dot Bank, Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account, Routing Number : 1243031
Account Number : 19958593088299321.
Friday, September 8, 2017
State of emergence has been declared in the USA coastal State of Florida along with the required evacuation process for the citizens by the State of Florida and various emergency and Humanitarian Organizations as the USA Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) which has prepared rehabilitation centers for the many USA citizens that would be directly affected, or hit hard by hurricane IRMA, after it has been projected by meteorologists to make landfall in the State of Florida and parts of Georgia State earlier in the weekend as it has made landfall in the Caribbean Islands the previous day and inflicted wide range damage in human lives and property. Seventeen people have died in the Caribbean Islands as IRMA made landfall in the previous day. USA major airlines, particularly Delta Airline has offered thousands of seats for evacuees of hurricane IRMA since Yesterday and the numbers of airplane seats has been expected to double over the weekend, despite rejection of FEMA vouchers by certain airlines that have offered seats for hurricane IRMA evacuees and scheduled flights bound for take off to Northern States of USA and few safer Southern States. However, many citizens from USA coastal States, particularly those from Florida State have begun evacuation in their own automotive vehicles from the State of Florida to the nearest neighboring State of Georgia, although meteorologists have marked parts of State of Georgia on the projected path of hurricane IRMA that has been predicted will reach Florida make landfall and devastate Niger parts of the State of Florida and parts of Georgia. Unprecedented traffic congestion has been reported on the various major Highways in the States of Florida and Georgia in the early Morning hours of today, specifically on Friday, September 08th in the Year two thousand and seventeen, due to the evacuation in the State of Florida and parts of Georgia. Motorists and Pedestrians traveling in the early morning hours and later hours of today have been repeatedly warn to drive carefully and pay attention to the changing traffic condition on the Interstates Highways and various roads in both the State of Georgia and Florida. Interstates Highways I-seventy five I- eighty five I-two hundred eighty five Georgia four hundred and many other roads have been highlighted on the traffic flow media since the early Morning hours of Friday, September 08th in the Year two thousand and seventeen. Hurricane Irma which has been projected as the major tropical storm of the Season earlier in the week intensified its inner eye cycles in the Atlantic Ocean gained much strength upgraded its self to category one and category two hurricane, before it made landfall on the Caribbean Islands and Haitilate last Night and early in the Morning. Attempts of the USA military Base forces in the coastal State of Florida to either divert the hurricane, or reduce its strength seemed to have failed as hurricane IRMA continues to gain strength along its projected path since it made landfall on the Caribbean Islands Yesterday. The magnitude and strength of hurricane IRMA has been generally described as enormous and could continue to inflict much damage t its current relative strength which has been repeatedly described on both the domestic and International foreign media as dangerous. Northern States Federal and local council governments have been requested to declare open doors policy for evacuees of hurricane IRMA, specially those from the State of Florida and parts of the State of Georgia respectively. FEMA and other Humanitarian Organizations have opened their doors for the evacuees victims and displaced citizens of both hurricanes as they began to collect donations for the displaced people by hurricane Irma that may exceed the donations made for the victims of hurricane Harvey in Houston Texas.
Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia
Bank : Green Dot Bank
Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301582402494
Account Type : Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia
Direct Deposit Account : Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 19958593088299321
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia.
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