Monday, July 17, 2017


      USA and European Union countries have looked in to Turkey's government annual recall to memory and observation of the government victory over the military failed coup for the overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Recept Tayyip Erdogan in the month of July 15th in the Year two thousand  and sixteen with criticism, despite the President emergence as the Father of the Farther Land of Turkey with controversial opinions on the measures, or rather the precautionary security measures against further attempts for the overthrow of the democratically  elected government of President Erdogan by military Coup, specially the identified and unidentified military groups that have repeatedly attempted to over throw the government in Turkey by various means that could be the use of military force, or by the use of policy making decisions and Institutions' violence, or by the use of other unacceptable unknown invisible power to create, or to destroy the protective fortresses of invisible defense forces that have been either trained, or made ready for combat anywhere and at any time as a result, President Erdogan has been made, or rather forged as the  fore fathers title holder of the modern Father title of the Father land of Turkey during the annual observation and celebration of Turkey government victory over the leader and groups of mutineers that have repeatedly attempted to overthrow the current government of Turkey that has done much for the government and citizens of the current mordern Turkey which too have overwhelmed their neighboring countries governments and citizens in the various fields of significant discipline, Whether they may be the the security and defense, or the rebuilding of modern infrastructures for Turkey with strengthened economic growth prospects and more financial freedom for the government and citizens of Turkey,  besides trade and Investment partnership relationship with the World's major economies as the USA Russia the European Union. countries China Japan Canada Australia and other equally stronger economies of South America the Middle Eastern the Arab World and African countries for the development of the remotest parts of Turkey. Turkey President Reception Tayyip Erdogan emphasized on the requirement for continued effort of his government to introduce and implement the death penalty in the whole of Turkey, despite the USA and European Union countries objection to the security measures of President Erdogan in the sustained effort of his elected government to introduce and implement the death penalty in Turkey contrary to the European Union and Western countries democratic principles that rejects the death penalty as an alternative security measure for the Father Land of Turkey. The European Union Commission President Jean Claude has remained tolerant with regard to his current opinion and decision on Turkey with regard to the strained relationship between the European Union countries and Turkey with other Eurozone countries objection of Turkey participation in the European Union Parliament and the European Union countries membership attributed to European Union countries fierce criticism of Turkey security measures with violation of citizens Constitutional Civil Rights and Humanitarian commitment, despite Turkey government current significance as the NATO Defense Ally with extended participation in the fight against terrorism in addition to Turkey importance in the sought for solution to the current refugees and asylum seekers crisis in Western Europe. However, European Union Commission President would like Turkey to have a second chance for reconsideration for membership in the European Union Countries Membership.

             Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Paypal account details : Professor Godfrey Ohia
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