Wednesday, June 3, 2020


   Reinforcement of security measures by extended curfew and further deployment of law enforcement personnel in their failed attempts to restore order in USA various States of Washington DC Minnesota the Atlantic City North Carolina and Georgia continued, after seemingly ceaseless citizens protest by violent demonstrations broke-out in the mentioned States against the law enforcement personnel recurring brutality in black Communities and against the black youth in these cities and States, specifically after the incident of severe beating and death of the black young man named George Floyd by the law enforcement personnel in the State of Minnesota. Despite, less detailed information of the cause of use of force by both police men and police women against the black young American man in the State of Minnesota that led to the widely denounced incident of his beating and death in the USA various States in which recurring citizens protest against the law enforcement use of force against USA citizens and particularly the black youth has emerged as political scandal and the administration failure to resolve citizens civil dispute in a diversified Democracy with diversified legislative, or Judiciary system and a wide range citizens background. Minimal damage in the mentioned three lives that have been lost and extended looting of businesses in the USA various States have been marked and reported as precedent in the USA domestic and International media, although the security measures at the White House has been generally described as over-bound in the law enforcement attempts to protect the President with the entire entourage in the underground facility of the White House, when citizens violent demonstration broke-out at the White House and on the streets of USA capital city Washington DC. Nevertheless, scientific approach toward resolution of these and certain types of dispute that may further cause political scandal and possibly domestic conflicts has unfortunately not been set on place, despite this country's bigger, or rather huge face in the World arena with regard to problems solution and conflicts resolution at both the domestic and global, or International levels with the emphasis on the alternative measures for peace by use of both the police and military force to restore order at home and elsewhere as stated earlier in the week in the statements of President Trump and the entire entourage at the White House that have both specified the possible implementation of the authority by the President that would authorize the deployment and possible use of both police and military force against citizens demonstrators that have been generally identified as USA civilian citizens with diversified racial social financial religious and possibly ethnic background. USA Intellectual request for less defiance on the repeated call for scientific approach to resolve the political dispute, or rather the mentioned political scandal and the conflicts at home and elsewhere in the foreign countries may not remain unheeded at the least in this and the next decades as the current dispute, or rather the political scandal that continues to fuel racial difference problems a midst the current pandemic measures in the social distancing problems with the emerging financial difficulties.
                   Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.

Bank : Green Dot Bank    Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301862222143   Account Type : Checking
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia.   Atlanta Georgia USA.

Sunday, May 3, 2020


   Corona virus remains the bad omen for this year's second business quarter, despite global measures in the attempts to contain and possibly eradicate the spread rate effect of this unprecedented and less known disease that has continued to infect and claim many lives in various parts of the World of which the United States of America and Germany have both top the list of countries that have reported high infection rates in ten and hundreds of thousands within the shortest time period of the first and the second business quarters of the year which have been generally specified as the year two thousand and twenty two (2020). Markets performance at home and in many countries of the World, particularly the domestic markets have remarkably tumbled and sustained considerable losses, due to the spread rate of the pandemic in addition to the measures in the attempts to contain the spread rate of the virus. Many legislatures business personnel and ordinary citizens have demanded relaxation of the measures against the spread rate of corona virus for immediate rebound of markets performance, specially the financial markets and the retail sector markets in the various countries of the World, particularly in the USA and Germany, besides the major Asian countries. Few of the mentioned measures entailed the social distancing measure of which many people, or all the people have been required to keep one to one and half meter distance from one another during social, or other forms of gathering in the many attempts for the prevention, or rather containment of the spread rate of the virus in many countries of the World, as a result legislative measures for the enforcement of the regulations have further strengthened the regulations with the measures against the spread rate of corona virus. Besides, the measures which disbanded social gathering activities and other business activities for which intimacy, or much closer distant contact between partners have been generally described as indispensable in social and business activities. In the United States of America and other EU and non EU countries as Britain Germany Spain and France, billions of dollars has been generally projected as the foreseeable financial damage for the financial markets and retail sector markets in the specified countries in which businesses have sustained considerable losses as a result of the measures against the spread rate of the virus for which varied Institutions and businesses have either complained, or filed the disputed claims for compensation against the local and the State systems of governments of the mentioned countries, in addition to the Representatives and various governments demand for the extension of the time period for the measures against the spread of the virus and possibly its prevention by measures, rather than its cure by vaccine. Another major issue, or rather the havoc has been mentioned as the distribution problem of the allocated huge budget for the prevention of the spread rate of the virus by measures which entailed the social distancing measure, particularly for the most vulnerable at work places and shelters, or hotels of the mentioned countries. Besides, the challenges for the managers accountants and other money professionals against the emerging corruption in the various fields of businesses and its branches and in the Communities in which financial aid has been required. Dispute over border crossing measures which has been described as additional measure against the spread of the pandemic has remained highlighted in various countries as an issue of major concern, particularly in the countries in which the major ports and various exit and entry points have been closed in the many attempts for the containment of the spread rates of the virus in the domestic and the neighboring countries. These border crossing measures have extensively affected the various types of transportation systems that included the air travel the rail road and the on road means of transportation systems that entailed buses and various other vehicles such as motor cycles bicycles and the on foot means of transport for many pedestrians on the short and long distance traveling at home and in many countries of this World. Nevertheless, joint global approach has been required and extended for the fight against the fight of corona virus by the legislative order of the high Executive the Parliament and the Highest Courts of many countries of the World, despite the mentioned various complains of businesses and citizens that have been directly, or indirectly affected by both the Pandemic and the measures for its containment, or rather eradication.

          Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.

Bank : Green Dot Bank,  Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301862222143, Account Type : Checking 
Name : Professor Godfrey Ohia,   Country : Atlanta Georgia USA.

Sunday, April 19, 2020


        Corona virus remains the bad omen of this year's second business quarter, despite global measures to contain and possibly eradicate the spread rate effect of this unprecedented and less known disease that has continued to claim many lives in various parts of this World of which the United States of America and Germany have both top the list of countries that have reported high infection rates of corona virus in tens and hundreds of thousands within the shortest time period of the first and second business quarters of this year the year two thousand and twenty (2020). Markets at home and in many countries, particularly the financial and retail markets that have sustained considerable loses, due to the pandemic spread with measures to contain its spread have required relaxation of the measures for immediate rebound of both the financial and retail markets, specially in the United States of America the European Union  the Asian countries and many countries of the World. Few of the mentioned measures entailed the social distance measures of which many people have been required to keep one to one and half meters from one another in the attempt to contain the spread rate of the virus, as  a result legislative measures of enforcement have strengthened the regulations which disbanded social gathering and business activities in which intimacy and close distance approach have been generally described as indispensable. In the United States of America alone and few other European Countries as Germany France Spain and Britain billions of dollars loses has been projected as the estimated financial losses sustained by businesses as a results of the measures against the spread of the virus as varied complains for relaxation of the measures against the spread of the virus has been filed, or requested by businesses and government Representatives of the mentioned countries. Besides, distribution problems of the allocated huge budget for the fight against the virus, specially  for the vulnerable at work places and shelters of the mentioned countries has remained the major challenge against the emerging corruption in the mentioned countries for the managers accountants and finance experts, or money professionals. Dispute over border crossing measures attributed to the measures against the spread of the virus has remained an issue of major concern, particularly in countries in which the closer of the major ports and entry points to various countries has extensively affected the various types of transportation that entailed air travel rail and on road means of transportation that included the travel by means of buses other vehicles bicycles and the on foot travel for the short and long distance travelers at home and in various countries of the World.
Nevertheless, joined global approach has been required and extended in few countries by the legislative order of the Parliament, or the Highest Court for the fight against the spread of corona virus in many countries of the World.

                                  Written by Professor Godfrey Ohia.
Bank : Green Dot
Routing Number : 124303120
Account Number : 301862222143
Name : professor Godfrey Ohia
Account Type : Checking.